WELCOME https://www.basicincomenz.net/
Basic Income
the Poverty Fix
Promotes a fairer society
goes a long way to
make a happier and healthier society
Basic Income New Zealand
Basic Income New Zealand Te Utu Tika
Hei Oranga
I Aotearoa

A 'Basic Income' is an income granted unconditionally to all citizens, as individuals, without distinctions, means-testing, or work requirements.

When there are fewer jobs people will still need enough income to buy what businesses produce. A basic income allows businesses to fully embrace new technology and have customers.

Evidence from pilot studies show that Basic Income only reduces hours in paid work for children and mothers, which suggests that Basic Income would be beneficial for child development and education. Other demographics are largely unaffected in terms of work hours. See this piece of research on a Canadian pilot: Forget, Evelyn L. "The Town with No Poverty: The Health Effects of a Canadian Guaranteed Annual Income Field Experiment." Canadian Public Publicy 37, no. 3 (2011): 283-305.

A 'Basic Income' is an income granted unconditionally to all citizens, as individuals, without distinctions, means-testing, or work requirements.